Friday, April 3, 2009

Beautiful chaos!

Jackson and Colton and I hosted the Moms of Multiples group on St. Patty's Day ... I thought that my living room would never be the same!! :)

Our little guys are in the lower left-hand corner - Jackson in the stripes and Colton in the solid blue. We didn't do so well in having St. Patty's Day spirit ... we'll wear green next year!

Friday, March 27, 2009

The boys' Auntie Ali sketched out this drawing based on a picture she took when they were just a few weeks old. Between Mimi and Auntie Alison, the boys will have plenty of artistic inspiration!

Little guys in hats ...

Welcome to Minnesota, guys ... you need these hats even in March!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tis the season!

Well, Christmas came fast for us this year - the boys were just 6 weeks old, so the closest we came to any kind of Christmas decoration in our home this year were these red and green outfits! Even though our house did not reflect the Christmas spirit, our hearts certainly did - so grateful for the gift of these little guys, and for the reminder of the little guy in a manger that came and changed all of history.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life at the Balmer House

Just a glimpse into life at the Balmer house these days ... pay particular attention to the end of the video. :)

And a few more pictures from the last several weeks ...
(Note: In all but the family picture, Colton is on the left and Jackson is on the right.)