Thursday, December 11, 2008

Long-awaited updates and pictures!

Colton William (left) and Jackson Alfred (right) arrived on Saturday, November 8, 2008. They were born at 3:58 and 3:59, although we are not telling which little guy came out first. Some things must simply be left as a secret! Jackson weighed in at 6 pounds, 7 ounces and measured just under 20 inches long, and Colton weighed in at 6 pounds, 1 ounce and measured just over 20 inches long. Most importantly, both boys were healthy!!

Their middle names come from their great-grandfathers. Alfred (Al) Nybo is David's grandfather, who celebrated his 97th birthday on November 8, the day the boys were born. William (Bill) Berg is my grandfather, who is 98 years young. Both grandfathers have had a significant impact on our lives and we are thrilled that our boys have already been able to meet these wonderful men!

After several days of recovering and getting to know one another in the hospital, we came home and began settling in here at home. It has been quite an adventure and a very steep learning curve, but one we would not trade for the world. Our boys are charming and beautiful, if we dare say so ourselves, and we are enjoying them tremendously!! I might note, however, that sleep is in short supply and we look forward to the day when sleep comes in chunks of more than 2 or 3 hours. :)

I am working on figuring out this whole blogging thing and am hoping to post a slideshow of our little guys, but I am not good with technology in general, so it may be a few more days for that. In the meantime, I'll give you a sneak preview with just a few more pictures. Enjoy!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Birth Day

This morning all 4 of us went to the ultrasound clinic for a standard scan of the boys. After the scan we learned that today (or tomorrow) is to be the boys' b-day. Jackson Alfred was a little low on amniotic fluid and Colton William placenta was just starting to slow down. Based on these two observations the doctor decided that today was the day to have some babies.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2 Peas in a Pod

At our ultrasound today, we were able to see our little guys in action! They've got their heads together and seem to be good buddies already! Click on the play button to see for yourself!

And here are a couple of still pictures ....

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Plunge

Well, we did it. After we searched for alternatives, we came to grips with what this means for our lives, we grieved. We purchased a mini-van.

Yes, it's true. Knowing that the 2-door Honda Accord just wasn't going to cut it with 2 car seats, we started looking at bigger cars several months ago. We started with the CR-V ... and then the Trailblazer ... and David even lobbied briefly for a quad cab pick-up. But we ended up driving a Honda Odyssey, and quickly learned that it's like a cruel trick. These cars are made with every convenience that a parent could want, or at least they do a good job making you think so. So we've been suckered in. We test drove several, and pulled the trigger last week. So you may sight us around town in our new ride. We ask for your support in this unexpected new phase of life ... and your understanding that I am now actually quite excited about this car!! :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Favorite quotes

Well, it is an interesting experience being a large pregnant lady out in public. I seem to draw lots of attention and comments from all kinds of folk. Here are a few of my favorite comments:

  • Walking through Ikea with David several weeks ago, a random man stopped me and exclaimed, "You need to get home because you're having a baby this afternoon!"
  • Standing in line at Byerly's, a gentleman in front of me turned around, looked at me, looked at my belly, and said slowly, "Ohhhhh. Soon." Without another word, he turned back around, paid for his groceries, and walked out.
  • I walked into a doctor's office the other day for a non-baby related appointment. The gal behind the desk took one look at me and said, "You're in the wrong office!"

I have had only a few brave uninvited belly touchers, and nothing too creepy from those who have been so bold as to reach out and touch without permission. I have found the attention to be rather amusing, and enjoy the excitement that seems to follow me and my little crew wherever we go!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ultrasound pix

These pictures were taken at 19 weeks, when the doctor estimated that the boys were just 1 pound 12 ounces and 1 pound 15 ounces. We've had pictures since then, but as they grow and things get more cramped in their quarters, it is getting more difficult to get good pictures of their little faces!

We refer to the little one on top, labeled "Twin A" as our bottom bunk, and the little guy below, labeled "Twin B" as our top bunk. You can see the ribs of the little guy on the top bunk right in below the chin of the little bottom bunker. The wrestling matches have already begun!

Any thoughts about whether the boys look more like mom or dad? :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Guess the boys' names

Many of you have been curious as to which names we have chosen for our little guys. We'll disclose the names as soon as someone correctly guesses both of the boys names. Here is a link to the social security website that will help get you started thinking about some possible names. One of the boy's names is included in the top 100 list within the last 100 years and the other is found within the top 200. Post your guesses in the comment section below.