Monday, September 17, 2012

What we know ...

One month after our "DTE" date (Dossier To Ethiopia), there is little that we know - when we will receive the referral for our little girl and get to meet her, how old she is (and if she has even been born yet!), what she looks like ... but there are a couple things that we do know:

1. Ethiopia is 8 hours ahead of Minnesota. Click the link below to see what time it is there.

2. The process is long. From what we're seeing with other families in the Ethiopia program from our agency, it will likely be another 18-24 months before we receive a referral. The referral is the point at which we receive a picture, name, and are asked if we want to pursue adopting that child. After saying "YES!" the process is generally taking another 6 months until all is said and done and families are finally home together. That time period includes several steps (which we're still trying to fully understand!) ... but in general starts with being assigned a court date, traveling to the capitol of Addis Ababa where we'll meet our little girl (and likely her birth mother or another living relative). The goal of this first trip is to "pass court" - the child's family relenquishes rights and we are determined to be a suitable family. After that, we'll have to come home without her and begin the heart-wrenching process of waiting to be submitted to the embassy for clearance and be given clearance to bring her home as a US citizen. Once we receive word that we've been given clearance we'll be on a plane as soon as possible for a quick 3-5 day trip to bring her home!!

3. The need is great. As we've begun our time of waiting, we're learning more about international adoption and the enormous need for families for so many kids. Kids of all ages from heart-breaking situations are learning survival skills and forming an understanding the world and themselves without an identity as a son or a daughter. Adoption is not a fairy tale; these are children who have not experienced the affection, touch, and care that is critical in a child's earliest development. By very definition, as orphans, they have been abandoned and experienced the most devastating and personal kind of loss. And yet they survive; these children learn quickly how to be independent. So for me, adoption is not a "rescue;" it is inviting an incredibly resilient little one into our family, meeting her in her grief, recognizing and honoring the challenges that she has endured, and offering an identity of beloved, cherished, prized daughter - much like what Christ has offered to me.

4. We're not in charge here. As educated, independent people who are accustomed to being able to "get things done," we are well aware of our inability to do much of anything to impact our process at this point; we are at the mercy of the Ethiopian government, US government, and about a thousand other variables that could impact our process. BUT the good Lord knows all of these details and more. David and I chose Ephesians 3: 14-21 for our wedding passage, which was one of my mom's favorites and mine too, and we now again we trust in God's promise of "immeasurably more" than all we could ask or imagine, for His glory. Yes!!

5. Ok, on the lighter side ... one last thing that we do know. Jackson and Colton are full of life and bring so much joy; they are great friends and will be wonderful big brothers.

Thanks for joining us in this journey!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Balmer Boys PLUS ONE!!!!

We are so happy to share the news that our dossier (adoption paperwork) arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia yesterday!!!! After many years of talking about adoption, David and I made the decision last November to dive in, and after being accepted to the America World Ethiopia program in December we embarked on our long paper-chasing journey. Between work, school, the bar exam, and most importantly enjoying and trying to keep up with Colton and Jackson ... it was a long and tough process for us. But we are so happy to finally be at this stage in the process. Our request is for a little girl, age 6 months to 36 months. The current wait time for a referral is 18 to 24 months, so that puts us at February 2014 through August 2014 for a referral. After getting a referral two trips to Ethiopia will be required, so we anticipate another 3-6 months added to our wait time until we will bring her home. In all of this we trust that God's timing is absolutely perfect and that He had planned our family long before we even sent our first email to America World. So while my heart longs to have this little one home with us sooner, we really do trust in God's sovereign plan. We've had so many wonderful opportunities already to talk to the boys about God's goodness, His provision and plans, and waiting on His timing. The boys talk about their "baby sister" and pray for her, talk about how they will help her at the playground, and keep her safe ... these are sweet moments!! She very well may be alive now across the ocean in Ethiopia in someone else's care, or she may be yet to be conceived - we don't know! But we do know that she is already in our hearts and we eagerly wait for the time when we'll see her, hold her, and bring her home!!!!

Two very excited big brothers!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Beautiful chaos!

Jackson and Colton and I hosted the Moms of Multiples group on St. Patty's Day ... I thought that my living room would never be the same!! :)

Our little guys are in the lower left-hand corner - Jackson in the stripes and Colton in the solid blue. We didn't do so well in having St. Patty's Day spirit ... we'll wear green next year!

Friday, March 27, 2009

The boys' Auntie Ali sketched out this drawing based on a picture she took when they were just a few weeks old. Between Mimi and Auntie Alison, the boys will have plenty of artistic inspiration!

Little guys in hats ...

Welcome to Minnesota, guys ... you need these hats even in March!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tis the season!

Well, Christmas came fast for us this year - the boys were just 6 weeks old, so the closest we came to any kind of Christmas decoration in our home this year were these red and green outfits! Even though our house did not reflect the Christmas spirit, our hearts certainly did - so grateful for the gift of these little guys, and for the reminder of the little guy in a manger that came and changed all of history.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life at the Balmer House

Just a glimpse into life at the Balmer house these days ... pay particular attention to the end of the video. :)

And a few more pictures from the last several weeks ...
(Note: In all but the family picture, Colton is on the left and Jackson is on the right.)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Long-awaited updates and pictures!

Colton William (left) and Jackson Alfred (right) arrived on Saturday, November 8, 2008. They were born at 3:58 and 3:59, although we are not telling which little guy came out first. Some things must simply be left as a secret! Jackson weighed in at 6 pounds, 7 ounces and measured just under 20 inches long, and Colton weighed in at 6 pounds, 1 ounce and measured just over 20 inches long. Most importantly, both boys were healthy!!

Their middle names come from their great-grandfathers. Alfred (Al) Nybo is David's grandfather, who celebrated his 97th birthday on November 8, the day the boys were born. William (Bill) Berg is my grandfather, who is 98 years young. Both grandfathers have had a significant impact on our lives and we are thrilled that our boys have already been able to meet these wonderful men!

After several days of recovering and getting to know one another in the hospital, we came home and began settling in here at home. It has been quite an adventure and a very steep learning curve, but one we would not trade for the world. Our boys are charming and beautiful, if we dare say so ourselves, and we are enjoying them tremendously!! I might note, however, that sleep is in short supply and we look forward to the day when sleep comes in chunks of more than 2 or 3 hours. :)

I am working on figuring out this whole blogging thing and am hoping to post a slideshow of our little guys, but I am not good with technology in general, so it may be a few more days for that. In the meantime, I'll give you a sneak preview with just a few more pictures. Enjoy!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Birth Day

This morning all 4 of us went to the ultrasound clinic for a standard scan of the boys. After the scan we learned that today (or tomorrow) is to be the boys' b-day. Jackson Alfred was a little low on amniotic fluid and Colton William placenta was just starting to slow down. Based on these two observations the doctor decided that today was the day to have some babies.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2 Peas in a Pod

At our ultrasound today, we were able to see our little guys in action! They've got their heads together and seem to be good buddies already! Click on the play button to see for yourself!

And here are a couple of still pictures ....